Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Organizing can be bad for your health.

I don't know whats going on with me. I have been organizing to the point where I feel its taking time away from actually making coats.
It has to do with my work environment. Everywhere I look I see things that need to be folded better, sticky noted or pinned to a wall.
I had spent two days pulling all my fabrics off the shelves, folding them and arranging them according to color, coordinates and possible projects. I found a box of unused plastic fruit containers. All my cones of thread went into them arranged by color. Today I pulled all my bags of cut out coats and vests. Every bag of cut garments has a sticky note pasted to the inside of the proper folder.
I guess this all needs to be done in order to work more efficiently. Its all part of having a business. Its just not really part of an artists brain.

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