Thursday, March 22, 2012

Did you ever walked that long dark tunnel at the bottom of the Southwest Museum as a child? The tunnel,  a low lighted, low ceiling, curved and carved out of the hill. Cool in the summer and smelling of the hill. It had dioramas set in the walls. Mysterious depictions of the goings on in the early days of California.  They were dusty dim scenes of Indian tribes washing clothing, hunting deer and a skirmish or two.
The tunnel quiets you down. You can feel the weight of hill on your head. It is is a subterranean escape from the oppressive summer heat. It takes you from the parking lot to the old elevator that pulls you up through the hill to the top where you exit back into the heat of the day and shoves you towards the entrance of the museum. 
As a child I tried to prolong that walk. My nose pressed to the glass of those dioramas. Trying to get inside the scenes and feel the life they portrayed.
This little scene from IlaBoom brought back all the memories. The dimly lit box with a mysterious something to stare at. Its a lovely piece of art. Please visit her shop at
Her shadow boxes are unique and evocative of childhood memories. Its the funny thing you saw in the odd town you drove through. Its the small town circus and the weird valentine you got. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.