Monday, June 13, 2011

Why I wont own a plastic covered couch.

 Skin stuck to leather? No. Thats why I like fabric furniture.
I have a fuchsia yoga ball that is my computer chair.
I loved it till the warm weather hit. I plopped down on it wearing nothing but my undies and a t-shirt. Im on it for an hour. When I stand up to answer the phone, I discover that sweat + plastic = super glue and I am now one with the yoga ball as surely as if I had licked a frozen pipe in the middle of winter.
I go capering off to catch the phone in a bent over thigh glued together kind of staggering waddle. Henry is going bug eyed at the worlds largest pinkest bounciest hemorrhoid that is glued to my ass.
The ball ripped away when I went careening through the doorway and it got caught in the doorjamb. I caught the phone on the last ring. All I could do was lay on the floor laughing hysterically while my friend kept asking "Honey.... are you okay?"

Where are the movie cameras when you need one? It was hilarity with out witnesses. I just hate that.


  1. You're going to need to borrow a pair of my jeans next time that happens!

  2. Maybe there is a market in terrycloth covers for yoga balls.

  3. OMG!!! That is so funny!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! And I can just envision the marketing for a terry cloth cover for a yoga ball!

  4. Good thing you were wearing underwear! :)
