Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another nice coat

Another nice coat, originally uploaded by danregal.

From Baycon. Miss Kim! A wicked woman with a great laugh came who tried on this coat. It looked like it was made for her.
Too funny to see it on Flickr.

Its hard to see but the rest of her outfit was great. Wonderful boyboots, great fitting pants. She was dressed the way I would like to dress everyday. Anyway, I remember her as being very entertaining and quick to laugh. Very fun.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A pirate chest would be more appropriate of a container for these treasures. RIght now they are in a shoe box in my studio. Im obsessed with embellishments and medallions. I've been stockpiling these goodies. When I am looking for the crowning jewel at the center of an applique I get to paw through the pile pull out the perfect piece.
Phuuh phuuh. Okay.. Too many pees in that one.